Saturday 19 July 2008

I Consider Myself a Professional" - Segun Arinze

Most Nigerian directors and producers like stereotypes because they are lazy and don’t want stress. They want the easy way out. I am not a typecast. They should be more daring and look for, and work on new talents...He is called the Original “Bad Boy” of Nollywood. Ex husband of one of Nollywood’s hottest Actresses, Ann Njemanze (before her accident). The “Voice” heard on hundreds of Nigerian movie jingles, award winning Actor Segun Arinze is more than these. Unknown to many of his young fans, Segun Arinze is also an outstanding musician. Naijarules caught up with him to discuss the growing Nigerian Movie industry (Nollywood) his Love Life, Ambition and his upcoming album. Below are excerpts from the Interview done for by L. A. Khiran (Khamileon). Enjoy!MR SEGUN ARINZE, YOU ARE WELCOME TO NAIJARULES

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